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    The goal of this experiment was reflecting about the relationships – the love – between ourselves and objects, thought as serial products. Through long and obsessive series of performances during a whole year I developed a strong emotional connection to a product, to Lindsay the Love Doll. Every day for a year, I poured love into Lindsay – dressing her, planning my day with her, and talking her on trips in search of adventures and new friends. We travelled the world together. Our first stop: China, to find the factory where Lindsay was produced.


    この実験の目的は、私たちと物との関係、つまり愛を、連続した製品として考えて反映することでした。1年間の長くて執拗な一連のパフォーマンスを通じて、私は製品、人形との強い感情的なつながりを築きました。 年間毎日、私はリンゼイに愛を注ぎました—彼女に服を着せ、彼女と一緒に彼の一日を計画し、冒険や新しい友達を探して彼女を旅行に連れて行きました。私たちは一緒に世界を旅しました。最初に立ち寄るのは中国です。リンゼイが生産された工場を見つけるためです。

    July 2022 book launch! Buy pre-sales here.
    → 07/07 Luegisland, Zürich
    → 9-10/07 La Rada, Locarno
    July 2022 book launch! Buy pre-sales here.
    → 07/07 Luegisland, Zürich → 9-10/07 La Rada, Locarno

    #001 Buenos Aires

    #021 Buenos Aires

    #028 Buenos Aires

    #037 Buenos Aires

    #045 Antofagasta

    #071 Peruvian Waters

    #083 Korean Waters

    #091 Shanghai

    #102 Tokyo

    #103 Tokyo

    #105 Tokyo

    #110 Tokyo

    #122 Naoshima

    #141 Seoul

    #143 Seoul

    #155 Beijing

    #168 Beijing

    #171 Beijing

    #172 Beijing

    #182 Beijing

    #222 Inner Mongolia

    #247 Shanghai

    #255 Yiwu

    #257 Yiwu

    #261 Yiwu

    #268 Yiwu

    #291 Shanghai

    #293 Shanghai

    #294 Shanghai

    #296 Shanghai

    #301 Kagoiwa

    #310 Tokyo

    #321 Zurich

    #328 La Plata

    #332 Buenos Aires

    #365 Zurich

    Argentina アルゼンチン: Ismael Salvidar - Bruno Chavez - Camila Rafaela - Lautaro Ferrandi - Robert Sword - Rodrigo Aldea - Camila Rojas Macias - Gabriel Jacober - Dawit Tadesse Chile チリ: Valezka Nisi - Ely Zebra - Wilson Zebra - Paula Margot - Martin Meneses Japan 日本: Joris Burger - Minami Okamoto - Nutt Boonyaratganon - Atsushi Shirahama - Akira Kanaguchi - Henry Charles - Kim Eunsik - Andrea Pirinoli - Pauline Block China 中国: Yu Ma - Zhouyan Wu - César Vázquez Philippines フィリピン: Aldrin Merida - Khayeline Malana - Herbert Edubala - Fifi Gomez - Ishka Mejia Switzerland スイス: Milo Schwager - Giuseppe Allegri - Julien Ngao - Luca Bazelli - David Moser - Matthias Wermke San Keller - Matthias Müller - Benjamin Blocher - Manuel Crepaz - De Angeli Guido
    Argentina アルゼンチン: Ismael Salvidar - Bruno Chavez - Camila Rafaela - Lautaro Ferrandi - Robert Sword - Rodrigo Aldea - Camila Rojas Macias - Gabriel Jacober - Dawit Tadesse Chile チリ: Valezka Nisi - Ely Zebra - Wilson Zebra - Paula Margot - Martin Meneses Japan 日本: Joris Burger - Minami Okamoto - Nutt Boonyaratganon - Atsushi Shirahama - Akira Kanaguchi - Henry Charles - Kim Eunsik - Andrea Pirinoli - Pauline Block China 中国: Yu Ma - Zhouyan Wu - César Vázquez Philippines フィリピン: Aldrin Merida - Khayeline Malana - Herbert Edubala - Fifi Gomez - Ishka Mejia Switzerland スイス: Milo Schwager - Giuseppe Allegri - Julien Ngao - Luca Bazelli - David Moser - Matthias Wermke San Keller - Matthias Müller - Benjamin Blocher - Manuel Crepaz - De Angeli Guido
    Created by 制作者 

    Cap De Gottardi

    (AKA Alessio De Gottardi)

    Designed by デザイン  

    Filippo Colombo

    Federica Camerini

    Translation by 翻訳者 

    Andrea De Gottardi 

    Asuka Horikoshi

    Alessio Cap De Gottardi

    Cap De Gottardi is the alter ego of Alessio De Gottardi, swiss-italian architect and interdisciplinary artist based in Zürich. In the last couple of years he developed a keen interest in globalisation and postcolonial practices which he investigate through performative arts and audiovisual works.
    Lindenbachstrasse 22, 8006 Zürich